Articles tagged as "Frontier Markets"
Geopolitical factors trigger concerns about Georgia
Frontier markets, like Georgia, offer investors exposure to a range of sectors and opportunities that are not available in more developed markets, however,...
Currency dynamics and returns in emerging and frontier markets
Rami Hajjar considers currency dynamics in emerging and frontier markets, focusing on how currency impacts returns, and how we think about this factor when...
Lebanon’s financial collapse
On 17 October 2019, angry demonstrators took to the streets of Lebanon to protest a US$6 per month WhatsApp communication tax. Little did they know that the...
COVID-19: Is there long-term value in frontier markets?
At the time of publication, roughly one-third of the world’s population is living under lockdown regulations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In many...
Broadened horizons, local learnings
Leonard Krüger and Nick Ndiritu look at how we have tailored our investment philosophy and process to invest in Frontier Africa markets. They discuss lessons...